Brokerage and Individual Commissioning Procedures
Scope of this chapter
This chapter provides information about brokerage and commissioning.
Under the Care Act, Local Authorities have a duty to provide a diverse care market so there are enough high-quality services to meet the needs of the local population.
For further information about duties under the Care Act, see: Commissioning Responsibilities under the Act.
These procedures should be used:
- By frontline practitioners working in Social Work Teams and Transfer of Care Hubs;
- When any Care and Support Plan has been approved by the Community Care Board;
- To understand and use the range of local processes for arranging the required services and support;
- To expedite Hospital Discharges.
Although this procedure may be helpful to those people with responsibility for commissioning or brokering services, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required.
Please refer to the Local Resources for information about arranging support via the Brokerage Team.
This includes the following services:
- Care at Home (Domiciliary Care);
- Accommodation with Care (Residential and Nursing Homes);
- Supported Living, with or without Accommodation;
- Carer Respite Services;
- Day Opportunities;
- Hospital Home First (DTA discharge);
- Rapid Response (Urgent Care).
Last Updated: May 23, 2023